
Growing Up without Growing Old

Gray hair might be the crowning glory of old age, but no one really wants to grow old. Instead, we want to grow up. If you’ve ever thought #adulting was hard, then this talk is for you. We’ll talk about what it really means to grow up, how we can take the best childhood has to offer, and apply it to mature hopes and dreams. 


The Four R’s: Rhythms, Rituals, Rest, & Relationships

A Formula for Inspired Living

Many of us are overworked and underpaid, overwhelmed and under-motivated, often too scared to move forward or too tired to care. Want to live a life that fills you up rather than a life that’s simply filled up? You can! What we practice, we become. This talk will help you understand how rhythms, rituals, and rest work together to make our best life possible now. Of course, none of that would be possible without strong relationships, so we’ll talk about those too!


Welcome to
Story Time!

Everything that’s ever happened to you is simply a story you will one day tell. The world is made up of stories, not facts. Our stories matter. We can disagree with each other’s opinions, but we cannot disagree with each other’s experience. What yours? How are you using your unique experience to bring meaning and purpose to the story you tell? This talk will help us understand how our stories create community and ultimately inspire both kindness and gratitude.