Mission Driven Monday

Mission Driven Monday--Chantal Sheehan

Meet Chantal Sheehan!

I’ve never met an accountant I didn’t like. There’s a special place in this world for people who choose to do math. And Chantal is a special kind of accountant. She doesn’t just calculate the value of numbers, she provides value to her clients by simply being helpful. I am grateful for the wisdom she’s shared with me, and I think you’ll fall in love too.

Self proclaimed numbers nerd Chantal Sheehan is the founder of Blue Fox Accounting. If you thought accounting was boring, then you haven't met Blue Fox. Chantal believes the key to a successful business is knowing where you've come from, where you are, and where you're headed. That's what we believe here at Mission Driven Woman, too! The past, present, and future shape the stories of our lives. Can meaning and purpose be QUANTIFIED? Watch and find out! And follow your mission, not the madness.

And if you are a nonprofit or a social entrepreneur, let me be the first to recommend Chantal Sheehan for all your accounting needs! (Yes, I know that was a shameless plug)

Important Links from this episode:

Blue Fox Accounting: Take a moment and check out their incredible website and helpful blog. You’ll find all your most pressing money questions answered here.

I just love their manifesto!

The Blue Fox Manifesto

This is what makes us tick and keeps us on track.

We believe in having fun every day.
We believe that life is short and work done well makes a workday worth living.
We believe in solving problems.
​We believe that there is no substitute for authenticity.
We believe in making the world a better place.
We believe that egos get in the way of progress, so we try to check ours at the door.
We believe in servant leadership above all other forms.

​We believe in giving back - always.

We believe that our clients deserve to be served with dignity, respect, and heart.
We believe that our clients are doing critical work effecting our planet and our communities.
We believe that the world is best served when our clients focus on change making and we focus on counting the change.
​We believe that our impact in the world can be magnified by our clients' success.
We believe in a service model of true partnership and collaboration.

We believe in outfoxing the competition.
We believe in intrapreneurship, innovation, and iteration.
We believe that a warm, kind human + the latest tech = an accounting superhero.

We believe that we can help create an accounting and finance industry that actually makes a difference.

Ready to take it to the next level?